
Prof. Bogdan Kwolek

Top » Prof. Bogdan Kwolek

Prof. Bogdan Kwolek is full professor at AGH University of Science and Technology in Krakow, Poland. He received his Ph.D. from AGH University and his D.Sc. from the Silesian University of Technology. He was awarded DAAD Scholarships to Bielefeld University and Technische Universität München, a scholarship from the French government to INRIA, an EEA scholarship to University of Stavanger and University of Oslo, a scholarship from Polish Government to Stanford University, and a scholarship from Nagoya Institute of Technology. His research interests include computer vision, pattern recognition, as well as machine learning. He has published over one hundred scientific articles.

February 2023, Prof. Kwolek was invited to NITech for Joint Research on a study on egocentric 3-D human pose tracking  and deployment of sign language recognition systems and other fields, hosted by assoc. prof. Shinji Sakoh.

Lecture at NITech 2023 : Learned representations for image/video recognition

URL: Bogdan Kwolek (

Nagoya Institute of Technology

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