Dr. Fenghui Ren is a lecturer at University of Wollongong (Australia) since 2017. He received his Ph.D. in Computer Science at the University of Wollongong and served as several postdoctoral fellow positions, one of which was a ARC DECRA (Australian Research Council, Discovery Early Career Researcher Award) Fellow. He has over 100 publications, and his h-index is 16 with 1090 citations by Google Scholar and is 13 with 696 citations by Scopus.
His research interests include: Complex System Modeling and Simulation; and Autonomous Agents and Multi-Agent System.
In September 2023, he will be invited to NITech for a joint research hosted by Prof. Shohei Kato.
Title of the lecture at NITech : Agent-Based Modelling and Simulation of Smart Systems